I'm just miserable because all the Marcus Nimbler videos have been removed from YouTube. What does that say about my sexuality or all those similarly complaining today?
apparently , some bright spark has created a new sexuality - super-straight - and posted it on twitter.
it's a new sexuality that means people who are exclusively attracted to cisgender males or females.
it was made because some people are saying you aren't straight if you don't date transgender people.
I'm just miserable because all the Marcus Nimbler videos have been removed from YouTube. What does that say about my sexuality or all those similarly complaining today?
i recently had an online exchange with an active jw about the blood issue.
he originally wanted to talk about the potential dangers of transfusions but i pointed out that the risks of transfusions have nothing whatsoever to do with the reason that jws reject blood, and therefore i didn’t see any value in debating that topic.. not able to let it go, he then insisted that the blood mandate was a common theme throughout the bible, quoting acts 15:29.. it’s been a while since i looked into the subject, and i admit i’m now a little rusty when it comes to recalling where to find biblical quotes, but i remembered that there are passages in both the new and old testaments that, when read in the context of the time they were written, call into question the watchtower’s rendition of acts 15:29.. i offered to do some bible research and get back to the jw, suggesting that rather than letting our discussion become combative, we could have an informative and interesting exchange of ideas.
i reassured him that i was not looking to undermine his convictions, in fact i was more than happy to be corrected if my thinking was wrong.
Thanks Stan & Earnest.
i recently had an online exchange with an active jw about the blood issue.
he originally wanted to talk about the potential dangers of transfusions but i pointed out that the risks of transfusions have nothing whatsoever to do with the reason that jws reject blood, and therefore i didn’t see any value in debating that topic.. not able to let it go, he then insisted that the blood mandate was a common theme throughout the bible, quoting acts 15:29.. it’s been a while since i looked into the subject, and i admit i’m now a little rusty when it comes to recalling where to find biblical quotes, but i remembered that there are passages in both the new and old testaments that, when read in the context of the time they were written, call into question the watchtower’s rendition of acts 15:29.. i offered to do some bible research and get back to the jw, suggesting that rather than letting our discussion become combative, we could have an informative and interesting exchange of ideas.
i reassured him that i was not looking to undermine his convictions, in fact i was more than happy to be corrected if my thinking was wrong.
Didnt former member Cofty write the same thing a year or 2 back ?
"Former Member"? Have I missed something?
these cartoons have been labeled by the venerable new york times newspaper as offensive.
they offend mexicans and pepe is a womanizing french skunk too handsy enabling the “rape culture “.
this stuff is getting so ridiculous it isn’t funny.
There was an Englishman, an Irishman and a Scotsman. Sorry, that's probably racist.
Did you hear about the blonde? That'll be sexist or stereotypical.
Two Asian heroin addicts have injected themselves with curry powder by mistake - both are in intensive care... One has a dodgy tikka and the other one is in a korma!
George who has never been PC and is too old to change.
As long as they stay our of the US politics and keep their dumb mouths shut, I'm fine with that.
I feel exactly the same about our Royal Family. Foreigners telling us that our system should be abolished doesn't go down well at all.
gen 1: 11 says: .
11 then god said, “let the earth sprout [j]vegetation, [k]plants yielding seed, and fruit trees on the earth bearing fruit according to [l]their kind [m]with seed in them”; and it was so.
12 the earth produced [n]vegetation, [o]plants yielding seed according to [p]their kind, and trees bearing fruit [q]with seed in them, according to [r]their kind; and god saw that it was good.
He claimed that he could get photosynthesis to take place without visible light by administering an energy “kick” from hydrogen (whatever that meant).
"In place of light, they supplied the initial energy 'kick' with hydrogen gas, known to be a powerful electron supplier." "The result was the production of reduced pyridine nucleotide by chloroplasts (that is, the build-up of a key store of chemical energy) entirely in the dark." Is The Bible Really the word of God? - 1969 p.23
This is also referenced in the old "Aid" book pp 1630-31.
So that's where I've been going wrong...............
my soon to be ex moved out over a year ago.
he left most of his things here ( i guess he thinks of my house as his personal storage unit).
one thing he left was his survival backpack, i assume his "go bag".
Never been mentioned at our meetings for a long long time. Certainly not during the Covid-19 situation.
this site was and remains instrumental in assisting people that want to leave the jw's.. there has been political discussion here for some time now, a good couple of years and it makes me feel a little uneasy.
i just opened up the site for the first time in some weeks, of the 10 posts being discussed, 4 were by the same poster, about politics, promoting their right wing beliefs.. this has been the trend for some time now, the same name behind a peppering of posts stirring the right v left of politics.. i remain forever grateful to the site and it's founders simon & angharad, i appreciate that simon shares some of these these political beliefs.
it would be a shame to see the site evolve from a place for jw freedom of thought and escape, to political squabbling, that the world is frankly tired of right now.. just to clarify, politics is my hobby, whilst my friends read the football scores, i'm reading polling data.
......and the car horn of Boris the clown.
Don't call our elected leader a clown. Our Boris may not be perfect but he has done two great things for the UK:-
All he needs to do now is load up all the illegal immigrants that keep arriving by dingy each day, and send them back to the EU. They can have the immigrants, we will have the fish.
how are they handling the memorial this year?
zoom or open kh's?
how do they reject the wine & bread in their own home?
The goofiness of the whole thing is just incomprehensible to anyone who's never been a JW.
It's also incomprehensible to any current JW with an IQ in double figures.